Van Soelen, T.M. (accepted). Checking the box of parent-teacher conferences:
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Van Soelen, T.M. (accepted). Walking the walk and talking the talk. National
Association of Elementary School Principals.
Van Soelen, T.M. (December 29, 2016). Four Ways to Make Professional
Development Work. Guest blog post on Leadership 360 online, Education Week,
Van Soelen, T.M., Kersey, S.N., Perkins, R. (November, 2016). Teacher evaluation
​and support are not mutually exclusive. Principal Leadership, 17:3, 44-47.

Van Soelen, T.M. (June 23, 2016). Team work boosts student learning and professional community. Phi Delta Kappan Common Core Writing Project.

Van Soelen, T.M. (2016). Crafting the feedback teachers need and
deserve: A guide for leaders.  NY: Routledge/Taylor and Francis.

Van Soelen, T.M., & Harden, D. (October, 2015). Navigation aids: 9 shifts in
practice smooth the transition from school to central office. Journal of Staff
Development, 36(5), p. 22-25, 38.  
Van Soelen, T.M. (April 2, 2015). Students learning from Atlanta Public Schools
cheating scandal. AASA Executive Briefing. American Association of School
Van Soelen, T.M. (January 28, 2015).  Working effectively with parents:
Sometimes silently. AASA Executive Briefing. American Association of School
Van Soelen, T.M. (October 30, 2014).  Holidays vs. standards: Which curriculum
rules your school? AASA Executive Briefing. American Association of School
Van Soelen, T.M. (September 25, 2014). We’re not full yet? Schools still eating their young. AASA Executive Briefing. American Association of School Administrators. 

Van Soelen, T.M., (2014). Examining assessments. In Zepeda, S.J., Job-embedded professional development: Support, collaboration, and learning in schools. New York: Taylor & Francis.

Van Soelen, T.M., (August 31, 2014). Livening up the blasé work of mission and vision revision: Part two. AASA Executive Briefing. American Association of School Administrators. 

Van Soelen, T.M., (July 24, 2014). Livening up the blasé work of mission and vision revision: Part one. AASA Executive Briefing. American Association of School Administrators. Retrieved fromé-work-of-mission-and-vision-revision/education.

Van Soelen, T.M., (June 19, 2014). School improvement requires more than just a plan. AASA Executive Briefing. American Association of School Administrators. Retrieved from

Van Soelen, T.M., (June, 2014). Who gets to decide? School Administrator, 71(6). American Association of School Administrators. 

Van Soelen, T.M., (March, 2014). Examining our reliability using rubrics,
original protocol accepted by the School Reform Initiative, 

Van Soelen, T.M., (May 7, 2013). Not letting accreditation run or ruin your life. Leader’s Edge, American Association of School Administrators.

Van Soelen, T.M., (April, 2013). Building a sustainable culture of feedback. Performance Improvement Journal.

Van Soelen, T.M., (September, 2012). The Connection between early childhood and desegregation. The New Superintendent’s E-Journal, American Association of School Administrators.

Van Soelen, T.M., (September, 2012). Cross-school teacher evaluation. The New Superintendent’s E- Journal, American Association of School Administrators.

Van Soelen, T.M., (Fall, 2011). Meetings that matter. Learning Forward Ontario Newsletter.

Van Soelen, T.M., (Fall, 2011). Data Mining Protocol, original protocol accepted by the School Reform Initiative,

Van Soelen, T. (2008). Using Critical Friends Groups as induction support: A case study. In S. J. Zepeda, Professional development: What works. Larchmont, NY: and Oxford Ohio: Eye on Education and National Staff Development Council.

Van Soelen, T. M., & Bisplinghoff, B. S. (2005). Induction and Mentoring. Encyclopedia of Middle Grades Education. Information Age Press.

Van Soelen, T. M. (2003). If Polly had been there: An uncommon journey toward teacher development and induction. Unpublished doctoral dissertation.

Van Soelen, T. M. (2003). Domestic discrimination. In S. Neuharth-Pritchett, B. Payne, & J. Reiff (Eds.), Perspectives on elementary education: A case handbook for critically analyzing issues of diversity. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

Van Soelen, T. M. (2003). Vignettes capture trends and issues of school reform [Review of Teachers caught in the action: Professional development that matters]. Journal of Staff Development, 24(1), 79-80.

Van Soelen, T. M., & Van Soelen, J. B. (2003). The teasing of Than. In S. Neuharth-Pritchett, B. Payne, & J. Reiff (Eds.), Perspectives on elementary education: A case handbook for critically analyzing issues of diversity. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.